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Ffair Sillafu

4.2 ( 832 ratings )
Spel Utbildning Pussel Ordspel
Utvecklare: Atebol Cyfyngedig
0.99 USD

Come to the ‘Ffair Sillafu’ where you can improve your spelling of Welsh words through funfair attractions! This app is specifically prepared for primary school children. There are comical cartoons and eye-catching animations to make learning fun! Come to see the helter skelter and shooting ducks range that create the atmosphere! There are 3 levels which follow the same format but with one catch – the words get harder! In each level you will have the opportunity to hear the word’s pronunciation. Then, you will need to pick the correct letters to form the word. Lastly, type the letters which make up the word!

There’s a scoring system in place to track your progress or to compare with friends! Download the app today to start learning!

Beth am wella eich sgiliau sillafu Cymraeg drwy gymorth atyniadau’r ffair? Dyma ap ar gyfer plant Cynradd. Mae yma nifer o gartwnau cyffrous sy’n gwneud y dysgu’n hwyl. Dewch i weld y llithren lithrig a’r stondin saethu’r hwyaid sy’n creu’r awyrgylch! Mae’r tair lefel yn dilyn yr un patrwm ond mae’r geiriau’n mynd yn anoddach wrth i chi symud ymlaen. Ym mhob lefel, cewch gyfle i weld y gair yn gyntaf a chlywed sut mae ei ynganu’n gywir. Yna, rhaid i chi ddewis llythrennau er mwyn llunio’r gair. Yn olaf, rhaid teipio’r llythrennau eich hunan.

Gyda’r system sgorio, gallwch gymharu eich canlyniadau chi â rhai eich ffrindiau. Lawrlwythwch yr ap heddiw er mwyn dysgu mwy!